Our filter cleaning service guarantees that your filters are clean and functioning properly.
Filters that are dirty, clogged, or broken can obstruct airflow. Not only can this be a fire threat, but it can also let undesired smoke into the cooking area, resulting in greasy residue on the walls. For your personnel, this constitutes a fire hazard as well as an occupational hazard safety issue.
When your kitchen filters are working properly, they are an excellent distribution system that ensures grease extraction. When fat builds up in your filters, it reduces ventilation performance and quality. Not to mention the fire hazard posed by fat and grease accumulation, which can ignite at high temperatures.
We have a lot of knowledge and experience with keeping things clean.
Cleaning or replacing kitchen filters has several advantages.
Why should your kitchen hood filters be cleaned or replaced?
Why should you participate in a filter exchange programme?
Filters that are properly cleaned and maintained will:
Filters that are not clogged with grease or oil work best for the complete kitchen exhaust system, preventing a smoky kitchen and allowing gases to escape. We determine the most cost-effective filter swap plan based on the kind of kitchen and cooking procedures.
Our aim is to minimise any disruption to your business and our contractors will work in with you whenever possible to arrange suitable times for exchange.
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